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Customize Your Navigation Bar Anywhere with This Easy and Fun APK

Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK: A Handy Tool for Android Users

If you are looking for a way to customize your Android device's navigation bar, you might want to check out Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK. This is a free app that lets you create a floating navigation bar that you can move and resize anywhere on your screen. You can also change the background and button color of the navigation bar, and set long press actions for the navigation buttons. In this article, we will tell you more about what Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK is, how to download and install it, how to use it, and what are its pros and cons.

What is Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK?

Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK is an app developed by Wormhole Space that allows you to replace your device's default navigation bar with a customizable one. This app is especially useful for people who have trouble using their device's buttons or navigation bar panel, or who want to have more control over their navigation bar's appearance and functionality.

navigation bar anywhere apk

Features and benefits of Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK

Some of the features and benefits of Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK are:

  • Ability to move navigation bar to anywhere on screen

  • Functions: Home, Back, Recent

  • Ability to change navigation bar with background and button color

  • Ability to set navigation bar size with width and height

  • Ability to set vibrate on touch

  • 31 themes available

  • Long press action for back, home, recent buttons

  • Support command for long press action such as lock screen, toggle Wi-Fi, power menu, split screen, launch camera, open volume control, voice command, web search, toggle notification panel, toggle quick setting panel, launch dialer, launch web browser, launch settings, launch this app

How to download and install Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK

To download and install Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to [this link](^1^) or [this link](^3^) on your Android device's browser.

  • Tap on the download button and wait for the APK file to be downloaded.

  • Once the download is complete, tap on the file and allow the installation from unknown sources if prompted.

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to install the app.

  • Launch the app and grant the required permissions such as accessibility service, device administrator, etc.

How to use Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK

To use Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK, you can follow these steps:

Navigation Bar - Anywhere for Android by Nu-Kob

Download Navigation Bar - Anywhere 2.1.0 APK

Navigation Bar - Anywhere on Aptoide

How to install Navigation Bar - Anywhere on Android

Navigation Bar - Anywhere review and rating

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How to move and resize the navigation bar

To move and resize the navigation bar, you can follow these steps:

  • Tap on the navigation bar icon on your screen.

  • Drag the icon to move the navigation bar to anywhere on screen.

  • Pinch or spread your fingers on the icon to resize the navigation bar.

  • Tap on the icon again to hide or show the navigation bar.

How to change the background and button color of the navigation bar

To change the background and button color of the navigation bar, you can follow these steps:

  • Launch the app and tap on the "Settings" tab.

  • Tap on the "Background Color" or "Button Color" option.</ - Choose a color from the color picker or enter a hex code.

  • Tap on the "Apply" button to save your changes.

How to set long press actions for the navigation buttons

To set long press actions for the navigation buttons, you can follow these steps:

  • Launch the app and tap on the "Settings" tab.

  • Tap on the "Long Press Action" option.

  • Select the button you want to customize (back, home, or recent).

  • Select the action you want to assign to the button from the list of commands.

  • Tap on the "Apply" button to save your changes.

Pros and cons of Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK

Like any app, Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK has its pros and cons. Here are some of them:

Pros of Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK

  • It is free and easy to use.

  • It gives you more flexibility and control over your navigation bar.

  • It works on any Android device, regardless of the screen size or resolution.

  • It does not require root access or any special permissions.

  • It has a variety of themes and colors to choose from.

Cons of Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK

  • It may not be compatible with some apps or games that use full screen mode or immersive mode.

  • It may interfere with some gestures or touch inputs on your screen.

  • It may consume some battery and memory resources.

  • It may not work well with some custom ROMs or launchers.


Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK is a handy tool for Android users who want to customize their navigation bar. It allows you to create a floating navigation bar that you can move and resize anywhere on your screen. You can also change the background and button color of the navigation bar, and set long press actions for the navigation buttons. However, it also has some drawbacks, such as compatibility issues, interference with gestures, and battery consumption. Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons before downloading and installing this app. If you are interested in trying out Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK, you can download it from [this link] or [this link].


Here are some frequently asked questions about Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK:

Q: Is Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK safe to use?

A: Yes, Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK is safe to use. It does not contain any malware or viruses, and it does not collect any personal data from your device. However, you should always download it from a trusted source, such as [this link] or [this link].

Q: How do I uninstall Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK?

A: To uninstall Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK, you can follow these steps:

  • Launch the app and tap on the "Settings" tab.

  • Tap on the "Uninstall" option.

  • Confirm your choice by tapping on "OK".

  • Go to your device's settings and tap on "Apps".

  • Find and select "Navigation Bar - Anywhere" from the list of apps.

  • Tap on "Uninstall" and confirm your choice by tapping on "OK".

Q: How do I update Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK?

A: To update Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to [this link] or [this link] on your Android device's browser.

  • Tap on the download button and wait for the latest version of the APK file to be downloaded.

  • Once the download is complete, tap on the file and allow the installation from unknown sources if prompted.

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to install the update.

Q: How do I contact the developer of Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK?

A: To contact the developer of Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK, you can send an email to or visit their Facebook page at [this link].

Q: What are some alternatives to Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK?

A: Some alternatives to Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK are:

  • Simple Control - Navigation bar: This app lets you create a virtual navigation bar with various buttons and gestures. You can also customize the color, size, and position of the navigation bar. You can download it from [this link].

  • Navigation Gestures - Swipe Gesture Controls!: This app lets you replace your navigation bar with gesture controls. You can swipe from the edges of your screen to perform actions such as back, home, recent, etc. You can also customize the gesture sensitivity, animation, and feedback. You can download it from [this link].

  • Fluid Navigation Gestures: This app lets you use fluid and smooth gestures to navigate your device. You can swipe from the bottom or sides of your screen to perform actions such as back, home, recent, etc. You can also customize the gesture trigger area, animation, and vibration. You can download it from [this link].

I hope this article has helped you learn more about Navigation Bar - Anywhere APK and how to use it. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading! 44f88ac181

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